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Your prenatal appointments are all done in the comfort of your own home. Your appointment will last about 1 hour where we do routine check up on you & baby while we answer all of your questions. We are able to complete the following: Urine analysis, Fetal heart rate, measuring of your belly, hemoglobin levels, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. If any additional tests, routine labs, or ultrasounds are needed, we will provide you a referral or lab order.
We welcome with open arms any family or children that would like to be a part of this as well!
We go on call for you when you turn 36 weeks and stay on call until you have your baby. Before that we are available by text, e-mail and phone. We ask that you contact us during the day for non emergency matters. Of course if you are having an emergency please contact us immediately or go to your nearest hospital.
After the birth of your baby & confirming all is stable with mom and baby, you will enjoy the Golden Hour as a family while your birth team cleans up and prepares for your postpartum assessment. The newborn screen and wellness checkups are all done with you & often with the help of a family member. We honor this time as you bond with your new baby & will respect all medical choices you have made for your family. After everyone is settled, you are provided postpartum instructions and an estimated date & time that we will return for your 48 hour check in. There are two additional appointments after that, one at 2 weeks & an optional one at 6 weeks. Your birth team has a wealth of resources & if you need additional help with anything, we can provide you a referral.
We are currently the only providers in the Mohave County area offering VBACs. Vaginal Birth After Cesarean is possible and we are here to assess your situation and determine if you are a good candidate for one. Please reach out for further questions!
Our team will support you in building a healthier you. We all feel we can do a little better and knowing what better is can start the process for change. We are not here to lecture you. I feel that the foundation of Midwifery care is supporting the client in making good choices for their health and the health of the growing child. No matter what your health needs are, having a team support you will keep you on the path to meeting them. We work together to provide you with the services you need or refer you to a provider that can help you with areas that are not our expertise.
When you choose us, you join a community. We work not just with you but with other members of our community to build a network of people working together for a healthier and happier experience.
Benefits of water birth include Lower pain, less use of pain meds, shorter labors, more likely to have intact perineum, & greater satisfaction of birth.
If you are interested in having a water birth, birth tubs are available to rent! Just ask your midwife for more info.
Placenta Encapsulation is offered by Nicole & Destiny.
The benefits of Placenta Encapsulation are enhanced mood, increased milk production, stable mood, faster healing, increased iron and nutrient replenishment, & much more! Please reach out to your primary midwife for more questions.
A Birth At Home